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Elevage de chats de race British longhair et British shorthair dans les Yvelines, près de Paris Chatterie des Montagnes Elevage de Galaxie, une chatonne british shorthair colorpoint Frimousse, british shorthair black silver tabby Feisty,british shorthair bleu smoke Certificat de Capacité 78/378Vous cherchez un chat British Shorthair ?Ivan Matou british shorthair fawn Point;
0512 · Mehr Infos http//wwwbkhbaldeneyseede Die drei BKH Kätzchen Ari, Anthony und Amy Lee überfallen die Einkaustasche und hängen sich an die Gardinen ) SoBritish Shorthair – Cat Breed Overview The British Shorthair (sometimes shortened to BSH or simply "Brit" is a pedigree domestic shorthaired cat With their appealing "teddybear" configuration, amiable disposition towards humans and other animals, and their calm, lowdrama energy levels, it's small wonder that these special cats have found enduring popularity as aThe British Shorthair is slow to mature;
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Merhabalar Daha 2 aylık bile olmayan kızımıza yuva arıyoruz Ev ortamına alışkın tuvalet eğitimlidir Oyuncu ve çok cana yakındırNowadays there is a huge variety of colors of British cats Today there are more than 250 different colors of British cats and it is not the limit Classic British cats – of blue monochrome color came along the breed from the very beginning, and some rare and exotic color were derived by breeders with a lot of hard work Very rare combinations of colors and shades are highly valued amongBritish Shorthair Cattery Van harte welkom op de website van British Shorthair Cattery Great ID!

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Britse korthaar/ British Shorthair One blue point girl available She is 12 weeks old (born 1st of feb) chipped, vaccinated and has passport She can go to new home € 10,00 Vandaag Valkenswaard Vandaag Monika Valkenswaard Halve Britse kort haar kitten 250 euro (meisje 4British Shorthairs are not known for being acrobats and can tend to be clumsy at times No breed specific, health related problems plague the British Shorthair These are sturdy, densecoated, purring, teddy bear cats with large round eyes Another thing that draws people to the British Shorthair is their sizeKedi temizliğinde neler yapmanız ve nelere dikkat etmeniz gerektiğini detaylı bir şekilde anlattık ) Umarım videonun faydası olur Beğenmeyi unutmayın İYİ

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Moka devait être l'unique chat de la maison mais il supportait mal la solitude, nous avons alors décidés d'adopter une petite chatte pour lui tenir compagnie (nous étions déjà complètement, sous le charme de cette race et notre cœur s'est immédiatement penché sur une British Shorthair colorpoint Nala (British Shorthair Blue Cream point) a rejoint notre familleCarácter El carácter del British Shorthair es el de un gato muy dulce y mimoso al que le encantan las caricias y el sentirse querido, dependiente de sus dueños, a los que adora y sigue a todas partes, y es también buen amigo de los niños, con los que juega aunque haya pasado ya de ser un cachorro y se haya convertido en un gato adultoBritish shorthair Blue Golden Shaded point male cat with deep blue eyes 1/14 Manfred is our younger and 2nd King in the cattery In the house we call him Manny He loves to "chat" Sometimes he is quite goofy and likes to tease Manfred is WCF and TICAregistered

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Home ==> Breeds ==> British Shorthair ==> Cat Breeders ==> Poland Get A Deluxe Listing!Meow We are a CCA registered cattery Fancy Paws We have a silver lynx point British shorthair girl available for reservation She was born on March 4, 21 to a Silver Chinchilla British Shorthair father and a Cream Blue Point British Shorthair motherBritish Shorthair Eş Arayanlar Büyük Britanya kökenli bir ırk olan, kısa tüylü bir kedidir Gözde bir kedi olmasından dolayı evde kedi beslemek isteyenlerin tercihleri bu ırkdan yana olmaktadır

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The British Shorthair Colourpoint cat shares its history with other varieties of the British Shorthair To read the history click here Behaviour The British Shorthair Colourpoint shares its temperament with other varieties of the British Shorthair To read the behaviour of the British Shorthair click here VarietiesUpgrade your free listing for only $30/year For more information or to sign up, visit our Get Listed page *To get a box around your free listing, become a Link Partner!Adultes reproducteurs Permutateur de Menu Mes chats adultes reproducteurs;

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35 aylık erkek yavru safkan british shorthair blue point aşıları yapılmış aşı karnesi var ₺ niz cebinizde kalacak çok uysal ve oyuncu kedi yanında taşıma sepeti tuvaleti 2 kg kadar maması hediye olarak veriLe pelage court du chat British est épais et facile à entretenir · The Colourpoint British Shorthair The colourpoint British Shorthair is an incredibly beautiful cat Colourpoints come in every colour and pattern of British Shorthair cat that you can get from blue to black, lilac to cinnamon, in bicolour, tabby and calicoif the colour exists, you can get it in colourpoint!

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Wij fokken op kleine schaal Brits Korthaar in hoofdzakelijk de kleuren colourpoint en blauw Wij zijn lid van Neocat en streven naar het zo verantwoord mogelijk fokken, waarbij karakter en gezondheid bij ons op de eerste plaats komt!Le British Shorthair est une race de chat issue de GrandeBretagne, ce qui lui vaut sa dénomination particulière Il apparaît la première fois en 1871 lors d'une exposition et la beauté naturelle de ce chat va faire sa popularité Son élevage est difficile car il doit répondre à certains standards pour être considéré comme un1009 · British Shorthair dünya genelinde en çok bilinen kedi türlerinin başında geliyor Türkiye'de ''İngiliz Kedisi'', dünya genelinde ise ''Blue Point'' ismiyle bilinir Tarihi, Roma

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Découvrez notre élevage pro en famille chatterie Nekobaa, chats et chatons British ShorthairUn panaroma de tous les chatons de race Scottish Fold, Highland Fold, British Shorthair nés chez nousOn average, these cats reach fullsize by about the age of three, but some don't fully mature until the age of five These cats aren't likely to spring into your lap and they don't particularly like to be held or carried, but they often do enjoy the company of their human family members and will often spend time playing or napping the same room

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British Shorthair Blue Point British Shorthair
Blue silver tabby coloured British Shorthair cats This lovely variety of British Shorthair has a ground colour of pale silvery blue with darker blue markings It's a very attractive combination, a bit more subtle than the black silver tabby The nose leather ought to be blue according to the standard, while the paw pads may be blue or pinkThe British Shorthair is a study in roundness He has a large round head, round eyes and rounded paws Even his tail has a rounded tip He was once known as the British Blue because he came only in that color, but these days his short, plush coat comes in many different colors and patternsCroisées avec des british shorthair pour en étendre le pool génétique tout comme plusieurs lignées de ont utilisé le chartreux pour en c'est surtout korat et le bleu russe mais des maladies Présente aucune particularité au niveau des capacités reproductives bon à savoir le chartreux possède de très grandes similarités physiques avec les autres

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British Shorthair PKD Polycystic Kidney Disease Kidney failure Description Cysts compressing the renal tissue and preventing a correct kidney functioning Symptoms Excessive water consumption, excessive urine volume, weight loss, vomiting, lethargy, chronic and ultimately fatal renal failure Age of onset Between 2 and 10 years old Frequency The initial study showed 12%The British Shorthair is the pedigreed version of the traditional British domestic cat, with a distinctively stocky body, dense coat, and broad faceThe most familiar colour variant is the "British Blue", with a solid greyblue coat, orange eyes, and a mediumsized tail The breed has also been developed in a wide range of other colours and patterns, including tabby and colourpointLes chatons British Shorthair disponibles, les parents;

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